יום ראשון, 3 ביוני 2012

Hot Water Extraction

Hot water extraction, commonly known as steam cleaning is a powerful method for removing dirt and grime from your carpet. In this extraction technique,  hot water is forced into your carpet at high pressures and allowed to mix with preapplied cleansing chemicals that have had time to dissolve the carpet dirt and place it into suspension. A super powerful vaccum then sucks up the water and dirt. To enhance the process, the application of cleaning chemicals was preceeded by a thorough profesional vacuuming which removed 99% of dirt particles 1 micron in size or smaller. Consequently, the dirt brought into solution by the cleansing chemicals was residual tiny engrained dirt paticles, frequently clinging to carpet fibres during the professional strength vaccuming.

After applying the cleansing solution, the carpet cleaning team know exactly how long to wait before initiating extraction. During this waiting period they apply heat, aggitation, and then time to give the solution the best chance to leach out all the ingrained dirt and grime

Following hot water extraction,  the professional cleaning company grooms the carpet, giving it its fluffy look, and adds carpet protector as needed. In the final stage the carpet is allowed to dry before anyone can reenter the area and walk on it.

Read More About Types of Carpet Cleaning

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